And my secret is.... I'm resigning from my job today. It's a long time in coming. I don't have another job lined up yet, but I have some plans in place. Am I crazy for quitting a job without another one in place?? If you were to ask my mom, when I first told her, she would say YES. Her take was that any job was better than no job. Then I reminded her of everything that has happened in the last 5 weeks (LOTS of drama in a very big way) and the number of times I've talked to her after a very bad day of work and ended up in tears over the last 2 years, and the fact that my company has gone back on promises made to me and actively reminds me that my employment is not a long-term situation (so at some point, I'll be out of a job anyway and my company is going to position it so that I'm resigning so that they don't have to pay me severance- AWESOME) and she started to change her mind. L, on the other hand, has wanted me to quit pretty much since we got married. And actually, longer than that, but we knew I needed to be working at least until we got married, if not a little longer. The stress and general unhappiness I get from this job are just not worth the damper they have put on me for the past 6 months, let alone the past 2-ish years. It's just become clearer and clearer that it's time for me to pursue something new and different. Last week I was super excited about resigning, but this week I'm more nervous than anything else. I am aiming to have the awkward, "I'm resigning" conversation with my boss after lunch. I have a specific time limit in my mind that I HAVE to call her by. I know this is the right thing to do, but it's scary and despite the general negative atmosphere I've been working in, it's hard to leave. There are a lot of people at this org that I like and I know I'm good at what I do. I also love the clients I work with. But none of that can overpower the fact that I'm just not happy here. It's not fair to L to have him continue to come home and wonder what kind of mood I'm going to be in. Also,
L and I have a plan for how we're going to get by during my time of unemployment. I know I'm so lucky to have him not only in my life, but to have him there to support me and encourage me with this decision. Wish me luck in the next couple of hours...
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