Driving slow on Sunday morning... and I never want to leave

Monday, September 19, 2011

In light of the fact that the Saturday morning date didn't pan out, L made pancakes for breakfast on Sunday.  We'd talked about making breakfast together, but he charged ahead without me and put it all together himself.  I do have to say that one of the things I love about L is when he surprises me and does something sweet. 

In this case, I was happily getting dressed for the day and suddenly L was calling me into the kitchen for coffee, pancakes, and bacon waiting for me.  This was my plate:

Yes, that's a smiley face.  He made me a smiley face pancake with the blackberries we had in the fridge.  He knows my favorite is blueberry pancakes*, but when you don't have blueberries, you just gotta make do with whatever's on hand (fyi: blackberries work well.  Good balance of sweetness in the pancake and tartness in the berries).  I immediately started laughing because how can you not laugh or at least smile when you look at your plate and see a smiley face staring up at you?  (Plus, I'm a sucker for the cuteness.)  L's explanation for the smiley face (aside from the fact that he knew I would like it): he's practicing for whenever we have kids.  Because he wants to be the kind of dad that makes pancakes for our family on the weekends.  And if our kids want a face on their pancakes, he wants to know how to make awesome faces with various kinds of fruit.

I am very lucky to have L.  He's a good man and a really good husband.  I love that he does sweet things for me when I don't expect it and I love that he has a long-term vision for us and our life together.  He will be a good dad some day.  I hope everyone is this lucky.

*Of course the best blueberry pancakes can only be had at Uncle Vernon's Kitchen** at Camp Fern, but I'll take whatever I can get. 

**Uncle Vernon's Kitchen is not an actual kitchen.  Anymore.  I think there was an actual kitchen like 60-ish years ago, but it burned down or something.  Now UVK is an open fire with a griddle over it.  You smell horrible after it, but the pancakes cannot be topped.


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