What a weekend! It started off with a royal wedding, it ended with the death of bin Laden, and in between... oh, in between! In between, we had GORGEOUS weather on Saturday and I decided to ride a bike for the first time in 8 years with Mrs. FBI, who was recently accepted to become an FBI Agent (code: she is in peak physical form and can seriously kick someone's ass. Seriously. Self defense is part of the application process).
It was quite an experience. I borrowed Mr. FBI's bike (he's currently on assignment in Miami and is recovering from ACL surgery, so he didn't exactly have plans to ride his bike on Saturday) and off we went. There's a reason for the cliche', "It's like riding a bike," because it really does come back to you. The hard part was adjusting to turns, gears (I've never owned a bike with gears, which should tell you something about how long it's been since I've been an avid biker), and the width of the bike. I didn't fall, but I did check a telephone pole and a stone wall (that was scary). Also, riding uphill is hard. And sad when your super in-shape biking buddy breezes up the hills with no problem and you're left huffing and puffing in the dust. In my defense, I think I should have raised the seat to make peddling easier, but that would have taken too much time. Anyway, we rode roughly 9 miles round-trip and I was EX.HAUSTED. at the end of it. Like, couldn't-ride-up-the-last-hill exhausted. I definitely walked it up and totally felt like Phoebe in that Friends episode where Ross gives her a bike and she walks it around everywhere because she doesn't know how to ride it.
I got home around 3:45 (after a brief stop to airbrush tan, of which I am an enormous fan- all the color and none of the UV damage, although I'm probably inhaling carcinogens, but whatevs- minor details) and luckily we didn't have plans for Saturday night because even if we'd had plans or wanted to do something, I wouldn't have been able to move. Something about that bike ride made me feel like I'd been beaten with a bat all up and down my back. Not awesome. And the Bike Butt... OMG. Bike Butt is what you get from sitting on a bike seat too long. I had a severe case (still recuperating). Not cozy. Or cute. Lucky for me, L decided while I was peddling away that since he couldn't smoke something (I'd firmly put my foot down since we made a 7.5-pound ham for Easter, which at least was a half pound smaller than the 2010 Easter ham... baby steps, people) that he would grill, so he took care of dinner and we ended up watching Catfish. All I can say about that is that people are weird and apparently some people are quite lonely and unfulfilled with their real lives.
Sunday brought some rain and a lazy afternoon. I decided to celebrate the royal wedding by finally hanging our wedding pictures and removing some of the ones that we'd had in random frames in the living room, so now our hallway actually looks like people live here. I also switched out the clothes in my closet (woo hoo!! Adios sweaters, hello short sleeves!) and got the whole thing straightened up. And I had the royal wedding playing the entire time I did all that. You see, I opted to record the BBC coverage, which was a mere 6 hours long. It was a little bit of wedding overload, especially in light of the fact that I was staring at 6 photographs of ours the whole time. But on the note of wedding overload, if the thought of walking into someone's (okay, our) home and seeing some of our wedding pics clustered together makes you want to vomit, 1) wait til it's your wedding and see if it changes your mind, 2) we won't force you to stare at them, and 3) I promise you won't have to worry about pics of me and L frenching outside the church on our wedding day surrounding you as you try to sleep (and yes, pics that could be categorized as such do exist, although saying we're frenching is a bit extreme. It looks more like I'm cornering him against a doorway and a bush and forcing him to kiss me, much like kids on a playground. Shockingly, we did not choose to frame any of those).
All in all, a great (albeit sore) weekend. And a picture, just so you have something to look at and so that this won't be a pictureless post:
That's our front yard today, about 2-3 days post-peak bloom (sorry I missed getting all the daffodils in bloom). As I was coming in from work today, I was really taken by how pink the bushes by the front door, so I just thought I should share a picture. Virginia definitely has one up on Texas in regards to springtime flowers. I love all the azaleas; they remind me of spending Easter at my grandmother's house in Shreveport. Her backyard was lined with azaleas and camellias and it was just so pretty.
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