Back in December, my Junior League committee decided to do a white elephant book swap to celebrate the holidays instead of holding our regular monthly meeting. The idea was simple: everyone should bring a copy of a book they'd recently read that was 1) good, and 2) from their own personal book collection. I was on board, although I knew I'd have to buy a new one. It's hard for me to part with any book that is really good. If I really enjoy a book, I'll totally re-read it multiple times and each time, it will bring me pleasure. Between that and the fact that I definitely cleaned out my book collection when I moved (now it consists of only the best of the best books), there just wasn't one I was willing to pass on. I reviewed all the books I'd read in the last 3 years or so and debated a lot and finally decided the book I'd take would be Same Kind of Different As Me.
Y'all, this book was amazing. My mom had read it before me so I borrowed her copy and when I did, she told me to keep the Kleenex handy when I got about halfway through. My Austin book club put it on our reading list for January 2009 and every single one of us loved it. We all cried our eyes out at the same point. I can't say enough good things about it. If you haven't read it, here's the gist: it's a true story about how two very different men come to know one another. Sound interesting? No, it probably doesn't. But the way it's written is just so perfect. It keeps you intrigued. It's an unlikely story. And more importantly, it really shows you the good will and kindness of mankind. It's the ultimate feel-good story, and I don't think there's enough stories like that right now on a daily basis.
ANYWAY, I was so excited to share this book! I wrapped it up knowing that it's more fun to unwrap something than to just view a selection and choose from a bunch of unwrapped books on a table, and also because I knew that there would be few people who would know the title and want to read it based on that. Look at that picture above of the cover. It doesn't necessarily scream, "I'M THE BEST BOOK EVER!" So I figured a little pretty wrapping paper and a nice bow wouldn't hurt its chances. My book was opened about a third of the way in, and all I can say is that the girl who opened it was clearly disgusted that it wasn't something she'd heard of or that looked better in her eyes. She sneered. The sneer definitely said, "I'll be donating this at my next gift exchange or to Tossed and Found, whichever comes first." I was crushed. Yes, I felt sorry for my book. FOR A BOOK! But I should have felt sorry for this inane girl who was literally judging a book by its cover because if she never reads it, she's totally missing out. I told several friends of mine who aren't on my committee about the whole experience and recommended that they give the book a shot if they were looking for something to read.
Fast forward 4 months and last night, after another JL function, I took a friend home and she told me that she'd read it and that she LOVED IT! I was so relieved by this for some reason! I mean I was really wondering if my Austin friends and my mom and I were all just crazy about it because we lived in Texas or what (the book is set in Fort Worth). Nope, my friend said she devoured it and balled her eyes out on a plane while she was reading it. Yes, that made me feel relieved. I realize that is so silly, but wow, it's nice to feel justified. AND to know that the sneering girl on my committee who was lucky to get my book is so wrong and totally missing out.
To close, here's my shameless plug: go read this book if you're looking for something good to read. It's non-fiction, it's fairly short, and it will show you some of the good in the world.
And actually, that's not my closing. I have a favor to ask of whomever reads this. Pink Slip Gourmet's family is in need of prayer support right now. Long story short, Pink Slip's brother and sister-in-law went on a walk on Sunday evening and her sister-in-law went into sudden cardiac arrest and collapsed. She stopped breathing and her heart stopped pumping. She's only about 36 and they have three young children. She was rushed to the hospital and was later flown by Care Flight back to the city where she and Pink Slip's brother live with their kids. She is still in ICU, but she is now breathing on her own. I'm asking all of you to pray for the good doctors who are caring for her and for them to provide the knowledge and skills that are needed to help her heal; that she comes out of her unconscious state soon; for healthy cardiac and neurological functions when she does regain consciousness; and for the family, particularly her husband. This is a hard time for their entire family and I can't even begin to fathom what they must be going through. So if everyone could just add another item to their prayer list, I would appreciate it, especially if you don't know Pink Slip or her family. Thank you!
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