That's All She Wrote
Friday, April 1, 2011
After a few weeks off (sorry, didn't have time with guests and what not), I'm back with another a Fill in the Blank Friday.
1. The best prank I ever pulled was one of the many I pulled with CB over several summers at CF. It's hard to pick because we loved us some pranks. Maybe the one where we snuck into the boys' cabins on a night between sessions and hid and made sobbing noises and managed to convince a 20 year old guy that we were the ghost of a lady who couldn't find our way back to the light. He was scared. It was also way better if you were there. There was also a lot of fake poop one summer that got left in strategic places in the office. This was especially effective because there was a new puppy on camp.
2. The best prank ever pulled on me was not coming to mind. I know I've had pranks pulled on me before but I can't think of what they were. I've had my share of gullible moments, though, so rest assured, I've had pranks pulled at least to that degree.
3. A day without laughing at something is a day wasted.
4. The most important things in life are faith and the people you love, whether they are friends, family, your spouse, whomever it is in your life that matters. Also on the list: finding something that makes you feel fulfilled.
5. I dream of on the non-serious level, I dream all kinds of crazy things at night. I know I dreamed last night and that it was weird, but I can't remember what it was. Other dreams of late have included me being on dates with cute boys and knowing that I'm single in the dream but married in real life and not knowing quite what to do, and also going to Red Lobster to eat cheese biscuits with Babs Burger. On the more philosophical level, I dream of being able to own a home with L and being able to have a pet. And kids someday. Shoe shopping for the niece was quite fun. But before we get to the kids part, I dream of being able to travel to all the places L and I want to go to together.
6. I dread getting up early in the morning, over-sharers, people with bad breath and other bad oral habits (smacking, spitting, clicking their tongues), sitting next to smokers (even if they aren't smoking... that smell just permeates their clothing and it's gross to inhale), spiders, and mice.
7. A discovery I made this week was that Grey's Anatomy does NOT. EVER. need to have another "music event." That was horrible.
Go check out the originator of this little Friday fun here.
Totally Random
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