I love reading. I finished Catching Fire Friday afternoon
and immediately started Mockingjay that evening.
I read a couple hours on Friday, most of Saturday afternoon, and finished it early Sunday morning. If you haven't started reading The Hunger Games trilogy, start it RIGHTNOW. I totally didn't think I'd like it after reading the synopsis on the back of the first book so I put off reading it, but when my brother-in-law finished the first book, read the entire second book, and started the third during the three and a half days I saw him at Thanksgiving (which prompted my sister to spontaneously pick up the first one, finish it, and start the second one during the same time span and then loan the first one to L, who read all three in the week after Thanksgiving), I figured it needed to get moved up on my list. L has now read the first two twice and was going to start the third but I needed it so I could read it for the first time. I read all seven of the Harry Potter books (which are great) and the entire Twilight saga (which I finished, but somewhat begrudgingly so), so it would stand to reason I'd probably like The Hunger Games, but I have to say I was shocked that L read them all and 2/3 of them twice because L doesn't usually care to read fiction, and certainly not YA fiction. Go buy all three and start reading them. Especially if you're off today. You can have the first book finished by dinner if you start before noon.
It goes without saying that I'm psyched to see the movie. Good thing I only have about 9 weeks left to wait! And I do love the song Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars collaborated on for the movie. I played it for L tonight and he thought it was fantastic. Beautiful, but slightly haunting... it's perfect.
I'm on to The Night Circus now. I'm about 40 pages in and so far I have mixed feelings about it. I mean, it's no The Hunger Games, but then, there are also at least twice as many words per page and where TGH is written at probably a 6th grade level, The Night Circus is definitely for the AP English crowd. Probably it wouldn't seem so advanced had I not just come from three YA novels. The stimulation is kind of nice, though. Refreshing. Now if only it will hook me into the story sometime in the next few chapters...
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