So, it's 2011. Just in case you missed it. I didn't make any official resolutions (hence no apparently obligatory post- as made evidence by most blogs I read- on what they would have been), but since we got home from our Christmas travels, L and I renewed our commitments to faith (as previously and briefly mentioned in another post) and physical fitness. We joined a gym in August and up until the new year rolled around, L had only been one time, much to my chagrin (to be fair, he was working in NYC for 2 months, but he was still here on most weekends). I won't claim I spent the fall filling every spare moment with cardio and weights, but my attendance numbers did put him to shame. We've settled into a routine of working out together every Saturday morning, and I also go as many days as possible after work during the week. You better believe that every time I'm there, I have my ipod with me. L is able to take his or leave it at home and be fine either way, but I'm not kidding- it makes me panic a little if I ever forget mine. I like the post-work out rush of endorphins I get but the actual process of working out is not always my favorite. I need a distraction to help make the time pass.
I started a workout play list on my ipod a couple of years ago and had been adding to it steadily as time went by, but my ipod locked up a few months ago and wiped out everything that was on it, including that play list. But never fear! I have some other OUTSTANDING workout music that I've switched to while I rebuild my play list, and the time has come to share it. Enter Girl Talk. No, not the game so many of us played in the late '80s and early '90s (nor its spin-off TV show). Girl Talk is a DJ who puts together the BEST "mash-ups" of songs that are perfect for working out (or cheerleading routines if there are any cheerleading coaches or sponsors reading this). Anyway, his newest album is called All Day.
And the best part: his albums are totally free due to copyright laws (unless you want to pay, in which case, he will happily accept whatever amount you deem his tunes worthy of). He's so great at what he does and so creative with what he mixes and how he puts it all together. There's old stuff, new stuff, fast stuff, slow stuff (mixed in so that it keeps the pace), stuff you love, stuff you forgot you loved for 5 minutes in 2002, and maybe even stuff some of you might hate, but I love it all. It really makes my workouts just fly by. My goal is always to work out long enough to get through a full album (none are that long) and possibly start a second, just depending on the day and what I've got going on after work.
Go snag your own downloads here. You'll need WinZip to open the downloads up, and if you don't have that on your computer already, just go download the trial version for free. I guarantee your workout just got better!
On an unrelated note, I'm half-watching an episode of Oprah on my dvr that just showed Lisa Ling touring a meat plant. Vomit. I just saw things that should not be shown on TV. I think I may start re-thinking my choice to eat meat now. I know my mom and at least one of my friends would tell me just not to think about it... but I can't unsee that. Plus, as whoever her male guest is just said, if you're not willing to think about where it comes from and how it gets to your table, you probably shouldn't eat it. Too true, unnamed man, too true. And whoever the blonde vegan guest is... well, she has something kind of weird going on in her cheeks when she speaks. But she's lovely, otherwise. If all tofu tasted like the tofu on the salad that Samantha special requests at Vivo in Austin when he dines there, I'd seriously consider implementing it into my diet all the time, but I'll be the first to admit to a mental block when it comes to tofu. Tofu comes from soy... soy is a BEAN that also creates milk and takes on countless other forms and flavors. It's weirdly versatile. And I don't understand where the name comes from. But I'm down with fish these days, so who knows- maybe it's time to ween myself off the beef and pork. Except that L might divorce me. Or just have an illicit affair with his smoker. We'll see what happens. I make no promises here. Except to remember that cows and pigs have feelings, too. And that you'll love Girl Talk if you download his stuff!!
2 Responses to “Harder Better Faster Stronger”
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Yes! I expected a shout out to me in this post! You're coming around. Local meat is not nearly as gross b/c it's often grown more humanely & organically even if not certified organic. You've read my posts on local food & Food Inc. Go see that. It won't change you vegetarian, but it will make you want to ask more about where your food is coming from. The male guest on Oprah by the way was Michael Pollan, my hero. I went to see him speak last year. He also has a big role in Food Inc.
Oh don't worry- I've seen Food, Inc. and we've been doing our best to buy local and organic food whenever possible since we got married (longer for me). But OMG, I never need to see an animal slaughtered OR what happens to the carcass immediately following the slaughter. The hooves are what sealed the deal on that one. It's making me sick to think about.
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