Today's topic: the Friend Date. Is there anything better?? Getting set up to be friends with someone by a mutual, absentee friend who thinks that you and the not-yet-friend will be a good match. I just had my first D.C. Friend Date last Monday night and I'm happy to say that I think it went well. This was my first 1st date of any kind in about 4 years, so I have to say I was actually a little nervous. My first date w/ L doesn't count because I'd already known him for a while, so there wasn't any nervous-ness about whether or not I was going to like him or if he was going to like me or what he would be like. This got me thinking about my last REAL "Is he going to like me??" date and that would have been sometime in April 2006. It's weird how in my head, I don't think 2006 was that long ago, and I'm still a recent college graduate, and then I actually write the number down and realize that WOW- 2006 was four years ago and my life is incredibly different. I digress.
So friend date was good. Another friend of mine has a friend in the DC area and is possibly going to set me and L up with the DC friend and her husband. Anyone else out there have friends you want to set me up with??
I also went to my first Junior League of Washington transfer event yesterday morning. Newsflash: leaving the house at 8:15 in 17-degree weather on a Saturday morning is not my idea of fun. However, God smiled upon me as I drove through Georgetown looking for a place to park and lo and behold, I got a spot LITERALLY right outside the front door of headquarters (not an easy feat on M Street in Georgetown. You should be impressed, even though you probably have no idea what I'm talking about). Also, I have to say that driving down GW Parkway that early in the morning with so few cars on the road is really beautiful, even in the winter. Anyway, back on topic: I may be setting myself up on a few more friend dates with some girls I met yesterday. Hopefully they will be as fun as all my Texas/ Louisiana/etc. friends, or at least close to it.
And one last thing on the friend note: Welcome new reader!! I now have TWO- count yourselves- TWO public followers. I neglected to publicly welcome you a few weeks ago when you first joined. On behalf of one another, I invite you both take a moment to look at each other's profiles and check out each other's blogs.
*I'd like to point out that I have been able to successfully reference TWO Zach Attack songs as post titles. You're welcome.
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