These boots were made for walking

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Not shoveling snow.  But that's just what they did.  We spent about three hours shoveling snow today, and actually, L did far more than I did.  And yes, I shoveled snow in cowboy boots because that was all I had that was even remotely close to snow boots.  In case you are wondering, they were definitely not meant for snow.  Or at least not a lengthy snow exposure when the snow is up to your knees and the bottom of it is slushy.  My feet were all kinds of disgusting and soggy after I came in* and the boots are sitting in front of the vent trying to dry out.  I have since resolved that problem by ordering a pair of cute-ish snow boots.  They are just cute-ish because super cute and snow boots don't go together when you are trying to avoid spending a ton of money since apparently it doesn't snow like this very often and even if it does you don't know if you'll be living here for more than a couple of years.  Anyway, the store I bought them from ALREADY SENT ME A SHIPPING NOTICE!  On a Sunday!!  How awesome is that??  Maybe they'll even get here before we leave for Christmas.  Who knows! 

Anyway, at around 10:30 this morning, this was the view from the front door:

This is a shot of the backyard from the kitchen.  Note that you can't even see the table and chairs anymore:

L shoveled the entire walkway by himself and part of the street prior to my emerging from the house.  Here are some more pics of what we accomplished:

My car after L cleared most of the snow off the top:

At this point, we'd cleared 99% of my car and about half the length of my car.  The snow had been piled up to the windows prior to starting the shoveling.  Check out my sweet husband, hard at work:

Apparently I missed getting a shot of our finished work.  The entire section of snow that L is digging away at in the last pic was cleared out and we were able to drive to the store in my car.  I have a newfound respect for garages and even just covered parking, neither of which we have (obvi).  Shoveling snow TOTALLY BLOWS.  Especially when it turns into this:

Sick.  The good thing is that we did meet several neighbors while we dug ourselves out today.  We also realized our snow shovel SUCKS.  L used it most of the time and I used a regular garden shovel that I found in the basement (which involved wading through the yard... the snow was definitely up to the tops of my knees in the back.  Thank goodness I still have a pair of AF windpants, circa 2001). 

*I may be completely stupid for saying this, but I did not realize that it was possible to waterlog leather. 


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