It's the end of another Monday. Weekends are just never, ever long enough. I have nothing to complain about, though. The biggest problem we're having in our house is that L refuses to stop wearing sear sucker shorts. (Seriously, this actually is a problem.*) We're in the latter half of October in what is apparently referred to around these parts as an Indian summer (read: temps in the low 80s). Temperatures like this must be celebrated and wholeheartedly embraced!
Our one big event for the weekend was one particular football game. We mutually decided it would be best to watch the A&M/Baylor game (aka, the last football L-Squared Bowl for the foreseeable future) separately with our own respective people. Honestly it was for the best and you'll just have to trust me on that. This is not where the sear sucker happened. It was not quite warm enough when we left the house that morning for shorts.
The sear sucker happened Sunday.
All day.
L could not be dissuaded from it. We were out running errands and eating lunch together. Both in our shorts in October. Some people? Totally wearing jeans, boots, and sweaters (overkill for highs in the low 80s, despite the fact that it's full-on fall now). L defied all fashion rules and flaunted sear sucker.
I did manage to get him out of them when it came time for dinner, which was lucky, but I think that was more due to the fact that the temperature had dropped a little and he didn't know if shorts would be acceptable attire. Our dinner reservations were at Graffiato (finally!), so that was fun since we are big Top Chef fans. (Very tasty, in case you are wondering.)
I had L pull down my winter clothing so that I could switch out my closet sometime soon. I was going to hold off, but the shorts may actually hasten this process, much as I don't want to embrace cold weather yet.
My life is so hard.
*This is not actually a problem. I mean I currently have friends with fertility struggles. My mom's wallet was stolen today. My manager's mother passed away. Those are problems. Sear sucker in October doesn't have the same magnitude.
Also, in case you are wondering, The Lovely Bones is so creepy. I may or may not be unwisely watching it right now. Which is 11:34 p.m. on a school night. Stanley Tucci, you are insanely talented.
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