I'm working on a post for you about my whereabouts over last week (and thus why there were no new posts) but I'm dealing with some picture issues. In the meantime, I'll tell you a few completely random things.
First, I'm watching Babies while I write this and at 10 minutes in, it might be the cutest thing ever. So relaxing to watch. There is no dialogue.
Note: it's a good thing I live in America. I'm far too modest to live in the village where the African family lives. That said, the African babies are by far my favorites. Adorable.
Second, if you ever need a miracle cleaner for your kitchen/bathroom/home, I was just reminded how much I love Bar Keeper's Friend.
Mom introduced me to this years ago when I had a gross stainless steel sink that I couldn't get clean enough (sorry if you love stainless steel sinks. Then again, if you have one that you love, it's probably much nicer than all the crappy ones I had in my apartments in college and in Austin). This stuff gets rid of rust in stainless steel sinks with minimal elbow grease and a regular sponge. If you have a porcelain sink, it gets rid of the gray marks that metal utensils and cast iron cookware can leave behind. And it does so much more, too! I highly recommend. Our sink looks brand new, and I can assure that it is most definitely not. Also, this stuff is like half the price of other similar cleaners. Oh and most importantly, in no way is this a paid endorsement.
And now I'm off to finish watching the cutest movie/documentary ever.
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